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Canada Student Visa
Federal Skilled Trades Class
Federal Skilled Trades Class is an immigration program designed to aid skilled workers who want to become permanent residents based on being qualified in a skilled trade. It is a part of the Express Entry system.

To be eligible under the Federal Skilled Trades Class, you must:

  • meet the required language levels for each language ability (CLB 4 in reading and writing, CLB 5 in listening and speaking)

  • have at least 2 years of full-time work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a skilled trade within the 5 years before you apply

  • meet the job requirements for that skilled trade as set out in the National Occupational Classification, except for needing a certificate of qualification

  • have a

    • valid job offer of full-time employment for a total period of at least 1 year or

    • certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority

  • There is no education requirement for the Federal Skilled Trades Class


Skilled trades for the Federal Skilled Trades Class includes occupations under the below categories of the National Occupational Classification (NOC):

  • Industrial, electrical and construction trades

  • Maintenance and equipment operation trades

  • Supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture and related production

  • Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators

  • Chefs and cooks

  • Butchers and bakers

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